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March 2012

Editorial, Advertising, Papers, and Byline Columns

Advertising, Papers, and Byline Columns

Dear Colleague:

Our editorial mission at TRI is to deliver how-to, industry trend, and case study information of value to a broad range of communications service providers (CSPs) – both network-based and virtual operators. Our stories also help solution providers (software and services) educate the markets they serve.

Our content is delivered through on-line journals that reach particular niches in the communications business. Here they are:

  • Black Swan Telecom Journal, since 2012, has been publishing interviews and stories in the telecom operating software and services, particularly in fields such as revenue assurance, fraud management, and analytics.
  • Telexchange Journal, since 2014, focuses on wholesale network systems and strategies. We cover issues such as partner management, content delivery, interconnect billing/bi-lateral agreements, and global connectivity.
  • Our newest publication, Top Operator Journal, launched in 2016, covers the strategies and solutions of interest to competitive operators in North America, particularly in the ranks of tier 2 and 3 operators plus managed service providers.

TRI also publishes periodic research reports that analyze a particular industry practice, profile key solution players, and predict market forces at play.

Ways to Get Your Marketing Message Across

Here are the four market promotion/byline programs we offer:




Advertising Banner

Runs on top of each editorial page

for 12 months

Dimensions: 728px wide x 90px high
Image Size Maximum: 40KB JPG only, no animated GIFs.
Change the banner and link as often as you want.

Byline Article

An article of 800 words or longer under your company byline and bio.

$400 per article

$300 per article
when you commit
to a few

How it's Presented:
Article will explain industry issues and/or offer advice to service providers. Presented in numerous ways: advice column, case study, interview. A presentation can often be converted into a good article.  Author photo, diagram(s), email address, article comments are available.

Approval & Writing:

We approve and edit the piece.  The story can optionally be written by you or TRI.

Industry Paper

3,000 word paper written under TRI and Black Swan byline with your company's sponsorship.

The paper demonstrates leadership around an industry theme.


Payment in two
50% at start
50% on finish

Mission & Writing:
The paper must be objective and Black Swan must agree with the value of the generic solution proposed. Challenges and common objections are included so the paper is not one-sided.

Black Swan will conduct multiple interviews with your company and your customer (optional) to ensure we get your full story before we write the piece.

Paper will receive premium advertising for two months. We will email Black Swan readers about the paper and create both PDF and full-screen HTML versions.  You enjoy full rights to post, print, and promote the paper on your own.

Contact us here for more details

Top Operator Journal
c/o Technology Research Institute (TRI)
1600 Campbell Drive
Athens, GA 30605

Dan Baker, Editor
Tel: 1-570-620-2320
Email: dbaker at


Copyright 2012 Black Swan Telecom Journal

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