Decom Dilemma: Why Tearing Down Networks is Often Harder than Deploying Them

March 2013

Decom Dilemma: Why Tearing Down Networks is Often Harder than Deploying Them

interview with Dan Hays

For every new 4G LTE and IP-based infrastructure deployed, there typically a legacy network that’s been rendered obsolete and needs to be decommissioned.  This article takes you through the many complexities of network decom, such as facilities planning, site lease terminations, green-safe equipment disposal, and tax relief programs.

Migration Success or Migraine Headache: Why Upfront Planning is Key to Network Decom

February 2013

Migration Success or Migraine Headache: Why Upfront Planning is Key to Network Decom

interview with Ron Angner

Shutting down old networks and migrating customers to new ones is among the most challenging activities a network operators does today.  This article provides advice on the many network issues surrounding migration and decommissioning.  Topics discussed include inventory reconciliation, LEC/CLEC coordination, and protection of customers in the midst of projects that require great program management skills.

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