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October 2019
The biggest recent news in the telecom fraud and business assurance market is that Mobileum acquired WeDo Technologies, who owns the largest global base of telecom fraud control and RA platform customers.
I recently attended the first conference held by the combined company at the swanky Fontainebleau hotel on Miami Beach. About 130 people attended including delegates from 30 CSPs.
As the conference panels and presentations reinforced, the top issue driving the merger of these two firms is fraud and security control.
In recent years, Mobileum has made its mark pioneering the use of signaling, analytics, and machine learning technologies to improve fraud detection and blocking, especially in mobile roaming where fraudsters like to hide and commit their frauds. In fact, several reference customers are pleased with the results Mobileum achieved for them, especially a Tier 1 mobile operator in the US.
But WeDo also brings great capabilities to the table. In addition to its rich customer base, WeDo has also assembled a top flight consulting team led by experts like Thomas Steagall (formerly Ericsson) and Jim Bolzenius (former head of fraud control at Verizon).
Certainly the merger of Mobileum and WeDo brings tomorrow’s fraud challenges into sharp focus. For example, how will telecom manage the transition from traditional CDR-based detection of ISRF/Wangiri fraud to greater integration with advanced technologies like signaling and machine learning — Mobileum’s strong suit?
Fortunately I spoke in Miami to Miguel Carrero, General Manager of Mobileum’s Security Business Unit (working out of Cupertino, CA) — and he's been focused on telecom security for years.
In the interview that follows, Miguel makes a great case for why an increase in security-breach-driven fraud is to be feared. And through five fraud scenarios — from IRSF to Account Takeover fraud — he explains how Mobileum brings its advanced technology to bear on these problems.
Dan Baker, Editor, Black Swan Telecom Journal: Miguel, why is there greater interest in telecom security and signaling in recent years? Have the bad actors suddenly become successful at blowing holes in telecom’s firewall? |
Miguel Carrero: Ironically, Dan, telecom networks are not fully secure by design! Now what do I mean by that?
Well, telecom has always relied on trusted relationship between a few operators and ecosystem players, so the security of the signaling network was always built on that trust.
But in 2015 people were shocked to learn that bad actors were intercepting network content and routing traffic by manipulating signaling.
Likewise in 2017, there was a widely publicized fraud in Germany where network was penetrated via signaling to redirect two-factor authentication to a fraudster’s device. And this enabled the fraudsters to take over bank accounts and empty them of their money.
Bottom line, a lot of signaling technologies in place are quite vulnerable. Even SS7, the grandfather of signaling protocols, can be exploited because the bad actors are so familiar with it now.
How is it that these bad actor and fraudsters have penetrated and learned how to use signaling tools? |
I think it’s a combination of factors. First of all, in the last decade, many new telecom and service providers entered the telecom business, so you have a new generation of wholesalers, SMS aggregators, brokers, and others so the ecosystem is way broader in the number and nature of players.
Further complicating the problem, we have a variety of signaling technologies to connect to: SS7, DIAMETER, SIP, CAMEL, and GTP. So that adds complexity and thus new threats.
Another big threat comes from low-cost barrier of entrance telecom hardware, software, and services available on a commercial basis. See the chart below:
The prices of these tools make it very easy for someone with programming or hacking skills to play around with telecom networks and services.
For example, for only $1,320 you can buy a VoIP gateway with a bank of 64 SIM slots. For a mere $420 you can buy a toolkit to do SS7 penetration testing.
Also available are free and open source signaling analysis software, such as ss7MAPer and OpenSS7. Some of the tools would allow someone to hack into the core network of a less-secure operator, perhaps with the help of an internal fraudster.
To make things even easier, there are actually services you can buy on a monthly basis:
Combine all these elements and they create a perfect storm bearing down on telecom industry security. We are even seeing an increased level of specialization and collaboration among bad actors.
We can think of the telecom security threat as coming from three threat dimensions as shown in the chart below:
So how can telecom operator respond to these new threats at the core of a telecom network’s security? |
Perhaps the first thing to recognize is we need to think more outside the box — and develop new methods of detection.
In the past, fraud followed well-worn paths and easier-to-recognize patterns. Today, fraudsters employ counter-measures to exploit operator weaknesses. That's why frauds are increasingly enabled by a security breach.
When you add up the wildcards of: 1) increased fraudster sophistication; 2) the growth of social engineering as a way to capture identities; and 3) the pressure of insider fraud — it’s clear that fraud detection, prevention and blocking solutions must become far more adaptive.
Increasingly, network security combines three steps:
Today, CDR analysis is the most widely adopted means of analyzing IRSF and Wangiri frauds. And it’s the main technology WeDo, operators, and other solution firms use to curb those frauds. So what does signaling add to the fraud defense? |
Yes, CDR analysis is a very powerful tool in fraud detection. The trouble is, as fraudsters constantly seek to avoid detection, they favor hiding their fraud in complex scenarios such as roaming.
They know in roaming there are significant delays before the home operator gets back its call records. The GSMA standard is 4 hours for NRTRDE and 36 hours for TAP files.
CDRs are important, but don’t give you the full context, since they cannot monitor a call in progress because the record doesn’t get cut till the call ends. Additionally CDRs fall short on monitoring calls attempted, but there’s valuable intelligence to be gained by examining calls attempts and other elements of mobility management.
So overcoming these CDR limitations is where signaling comes into play. Not only does signaling enable real-time detection and blocking, it also allows you to understand the complete context — before and during the call:
Signaling is also a powerful in the SMS domain. When the user sends 200 SMS messages in a minute, it’s clear you’re looking at a robot, not a human being.
It would be great if you could go through a few Mobileum case studies to illustrate how signaling adds value. |
OK, let’s do that. Let me walk you through highlights of five fraud cases: IRSF, Wangiri, Data Roaming Fraud, SMS Bypass, and Account Takeovers.
IRSF is committed by organized groups using illegal connections — such as PBX hijacking and mobile phone traffic pumping — with the aim to place a large volume of calls to premium numbers. And fraudsters very often take advantage of the roaming capabilities of SIM cards to commit this fraud because it allows them to modify headers or exploit billing delays.
The difference with Mobileum is our signaling intelligence gives us a better look when the fraudster roams. Here are some of the steps we can accomplish:
Wangiri is a simple, but very effective premium rate attack. As a way to start a Wangiri attack, a robo dialer generates calls to someone from a premium number and immediately hangs up the call, creating a bogus “missed call”
The idea is to get the user to call-back to the premium number where a recorded message entices the caller to stay connected on the call as the fraudster runs up its fraudulent high-rate charges.
Mobileum’s signaling capability once again is useful to:
When fraudsters buy SIM cards, they tend to avoid buying them at a store. A safer approach for them is to buy their SIM cards on a portal using compromised credentials.
In this particular case, the SIM cards in SIM boxes in, say, various countries of Africa, are not used to make phone calls, but to stream data illegally to High Risk Countries via roaming.
When a high number of SIMs are compromised in this way, they create high roaming costs to the Home Operator.
Here’s a quick overview of Mobileum’s solution to this data fraud problem.
International brands like Facebook, Uber, airline companies, and many others pay $14 billion (2017) to mobile operators to ensure that their A2P messages are delivered to their customers in a timely, reliable, and high quality manner.
Fraudsters in the SMS aggregator chain illegally send these A2P messages over free P2P networks (“grey routes”), pocketing the savings and defrauding the telco.
Indeed, analyst firm MobileSquared, who follows the messaging industry estimates A2P revenue leaks over so-called Grey Network Routing were a whopping $7.7 billion in 2017.
To curb the problem, Mobileum looks at a variety of factors in the messages (both the variety and velocity of those and certain elements of the content) to determine if those are A2P messages being attempted in a grey route.
Another consequence of a fraudster penetrating your network and establishing its own SMS center (SMSC) is breaking the connection between the operator and the mobile user.
With a direct connection to the mobile user, the fraudster can capture sensitive information from the mobile user such as key IDs. Pretty soon, as the fraudster receives SMS for that mobile user, the fraudster can reset passwords and fully take over email and bank accounts.
Great, these nice examples highlight where signaling adds new capabilities in fraud detection. But your cases also points to the urgency of protecting the telecom network at a higher level. |
Yes, there’s an urgent need to develop a system for guaranteeing security of the signaling side of telecom, and avoid further compromise from a fraud perspective.
We know telecom network will remain a multi-vendor domain that communicates across many different protocols involved. Still, it’s important that a consolidated platform be implemented to understand:
The issue is much more than understanding the protocols. You also need to sort out inconsistencies in the way DIAMETER or CAMEL or SIP is implemented at specific carriers.
Moreover, designing or architecting security across the telecom network is a tremendous challenge because it needs to work across multiple generations of network technology, a variety of signaling protocols, and thousands of network providers.
The irony, of course, is that if you completely nailed down the network with positive and negative rules, you would stifle innovation, because security doesn’t allow much wiggle room and there are unexpected network behaviors that are not malicious.
So the telecom network should be an organic ecosystem that adapts to market change and new technologies coming into the business. In short, a good balance between innovation-enabling openness and proper protection is required.
Can network equipment providers (NEPs) play a role in developing an overarching system to reconcile multipole signaling systems? |
They can. The problem is that telecom is inherently multi-vendor, whereas the NEPs have a vested interest in their own approach.
In telecom system design you need to be agnostic to many different flavors — so you can communicate with many different telecom equipment providers. But since they own network equipment themselves, bias enters the picture. They want to sell you a piece of equipment that works especially well with their own family of network elements.
Mobileum, on the other hand, being an independent solution provider has the network and signaling expertise to build the higher-level security systems needed for the future.
Thanks for these deep insights, Miguel. There's a lot technical details to master
on the path to delivering security-aware fraud control. But you've laid out here a fine analysis
of where signaling fits into the telecom fraud picture.
Good luck with marketing such solutions, and congratulations on the merger of Mobileum and WeDo. |
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